I provide psychological therapy for adults dealing with diagnosed mental health disorders as well as other challenges. Psychotherapy services are provided at Woodside in the Adelaide Hills. Online/telehealth counselling is available for existing clients. If you are experiencing a
mental health disorder that is having a substantial effect on your life, you may be
eligible for Medicare rebates.
Some of the issues for which people seek therapy are as follows:
Mild anxiety can be helpful in alerting us to potential threats but if it is prolonged, excessive and interferes with daily living, an anxiety disorder may be diagnosed. Anxiety disorders can cause great distress and include physical, mood and cognitive symptoms. If you’ve been suffering from an anxiety disorder, you may find that despite enormous effort, your world becomes quite small. Through a compassionate approach based on evidence, I can help you expand your possibilities, always in a direction that is important to you.
Sadness and low mood are normal responses to stress or loss. When these states are severe, persistent or interfere with your functioning, you may be diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Clinical depression has many possible causes, including biological, social and cognitive elements. Struggling with depression is hard work. There is a way to step out of that struggle and move towards ‘good living’. Together we can take practical steps for you to build that life.
Trauma-related disorders
Many people experience traumatic events such as sudden death of a loved one, a car accident, natural disaster, or abuse. With support, some people can bounce back, but others may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), significant emotional pain and fear over a longer period. Symptoms may start immediately after an event or much later. Trauma can create a tremendous burden that affects every aspect of your life, but it’s always possible for it not to define you. I can help you learn new skills in understanding, managing and recovering from trauma.
Stressful situations may involve relationship issues, work, family, bereavement, performance expectations, time demands, financial pressures and loss. Stress gives rise to many symptoms, both physiological and emotional. If stress continues and is affecting your ability to function, it’s time to seek professional help. Doing so is the start of effectively managing stress as it shows that you’ve made a decision to deal with it.
Life events, losses and grief
Stressful situations may involve relationship issues, work, family, bereavement, performance expectations, time demands, financial pressures and loss. Stress gives rise to many symptoms, both physiological and emotional. If stress continues and is affecting your ability to function, it’s time to seek professional help. Doing so is the start of effectively managing stress as it shows that you’ve made a decision to deal with it.
Substance use disorder
This is a complex condition in which people continue to use alcohol and/or other drugs despite harmful consequences. Failure to complete major tasks at work or at home, social problems, failed attempts to quit or cut back, and cravings can all be part of the picture. Substance use disorder is often inextricably linked to other mental health disorders. If you want to make a change to your use of alcohol or other drugs, or are struggling to cope with a loved one’s use, I offer a compassionate therapeutic approach to stepping into recovery.
Feeling stuck
Sometimes people feel a sense of stagnation or distance, even in the midst of what appears to be a successful life. They may not be sure how to pin down the problem but they think there should be more to life. If this describes your situation, you have probably tried lots of ways to resolve the problem and may find yourself asking ‘why can’t I get over it?’ or ‘why can’t I be happy?’ Feeling stuck points to a desire to live life more fully, to engage more with what you really care about. We can work together to bring intention back into your life.